What does sober mean in slang?

The most common meaning of Sober is not that drunk people who drive need to be sober. Sober sounds a lot like bleak and often also means sadness and tranquility, or sometimes too serious.

What does sober mean in slang?

The most common meaning of Sober is not that drunk people who drive need to be sober. Sober sounds a lot like bleak and often also means sadness and tranquility, or sometimes too serious. And things seemed good between the couple, with the singer looking sober and healthier looking, with a new crew cut. After the officers left, he got up again and asked the assistant if he could leave, since he was sober.

Some in recovery, even those clean and sober for decades, say they have doubled or tripled their attendance at the recovery meeting during the pandemic. Sikes replied, he was joking; as if he had been sober, there would have been strong reasons to assume that he was. These example sentences are automatically selected from various online news sources to reflect the current usage of the word “sober”. An example of sobriety is a person who always seems to have self-control of his feelings regardless of the situation.

She speaks well, is polite and sober a long way from the face of the adult world once, Jenna Jameson. Cruz stayed sober for a while, but when Raeann's first birthday passed after the accident, he relapsed. That counter-explosion of passion and that clear talk about such an unexpected room served, in part at least, to sober it up.

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